Friday, April 17, 2009


Alot has happened this week
  • Wm is walking up all 3 flights of stairs...its his new thing....(have to be so careful)
  • he is saying ananna( banana) in the mornings when he finishes his milk
  • he is doing the cutest shoulder dance( just like mama)shakes the shoulders, and bounces at the same time in his crib when he wakes up
  • says 'ah' before everything (like he is surprised) ... 'ah'... dedoodiladeda
  • loves when i sponge his face in the tub ( he drinks the water)
  • loves drawing ( he loves his new crayons)... sometimes he thinks the chairs and the walls are his canvas ( oopppssssss)
  • trys to help mama hoover... very cute, and clean....
  • AND is really starting to understand how the iphone works
We are off to the pediatre today...... lets see what he has to say about the tippy toe walking

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