Saturday, April 11, 2009


Most mornings i am up before Winston Martin
he usually wakes around 8h/8h30
and has a nice breakfast, bottle & weetbix w fruit i then make omelettes for lou & i.....
As soon as i put the plate on the table, he crawls on over and
EVERY morning Wm sits on his daddy's lap, and helps him eat his breakfast, mainly the toast
The egg he likes one day and hates the next

so cute
Wm is still knee walking

He is really standing up everywhere, holding on with one hand

BUT still up on his tippy toes and NOT walking
He is neally 17 months!!!!!!

Check up soon with the pediatre
He is one month premature, so i have to keep that in mind, that he will develop a little slower than others....
He has everything else going on......

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